Friday 24 July 2009

Mini Cake for Yoyo

On the last day of my work experience (practicum) at Luscious Creations, my classmate and I got to design and decorate mini 4" cakes... on the spot à la Food Network Challenge :) We decided to make ones for each other, which made this assignment even more like FNC where you have to design a cake for a client you'll meet just before the challenge begins!

This is the one I made for my classmate Yoyo. I wish I could have made a Transformer cake for her but there's no way I could make it without some reference to look at :( So I combined her favourite colours: pink & black, one of her favourite decorations on cakes: a bow, and "Frog Prince" :)

Friday 10 July 2009

Lime-themed Cake

I had an opportunity to work on a "free reign" dummy cake during my work experience (practicum) at Luscious Creations. It was meant for some charity event and their theme colours include lime green. I took the word 'lime' literally and designed this very lime-ful cake.

Each tier is 'double-height' (approx. 6"-7" tall) and I had a hard time covering those with rolled fondant :(

Thursday 9 July 2009

"Revenge Of The Sushi" Threadless Cake

Here's my second entry into Threadcakes. This time I chose "Revenge Of The Sushi". Check out my entry here :)

The cupcake batter recipe is from シンプルスポンジケーキ (Simple Sponge Cakes) published by Daiso.

I added cocoa powder to the 'nori' (black) frosting to avoid using too much black gel food colour.

Rolled fondant was used only to make 'Gari' and the weapons (a knife and a pair of chopsticks).

Chopsticks to eat a cupcake...?

Saturday 4 July 2009

"Hey, Mr. Blue Sky" Threadless Cake


I entered this cool online cake-baking contest called Threadcakes. The t-shirt design that I chose is "Hey, Mr. Blue Sky"... Check out my entry here :)

I cheated a little bit and used Betty Crocker Super Moist :) I picked Rainbow Chip because I thought it would be cute some rainbow colours underneath the blue sky, yet underneath the dark, gloomy sky.

Frosting is homemade :)

Grey rolled fondant isn't very appetizing :(