Sunday, 27 June 2010

Samurai Blue(berry) Pancakes

2010 is such an exciting year for all sports lovers with the Vancouver/Whistler Winter Olympics and the FIFA World Cup South Africa! The Samurai Blue has been playing remarkably well in the Southern Hemisphere and hopefully will continue to make us proud in the next game against Paraguay, whatever the final score is.

In the morning of June 24 (the game day against Denmark), I made some blueberry pancakes for my pre-game(watching) breakfast. Yes, BLUE.

I added some fresh blueberries to my fave Sunny Boy Complete Buttermilk Pancake Mix. Served with more fresh blueberries and blueberry syrup from Summerland Sweets = triple blueberry!

I'm thinking of making more of these again on June 29, the next game day... Am I being a bit superstitious?